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The best Math AI Tutor that is built with the best-in-class AI models that would help you 24/7.
MathyAI, built from the latest MOE syllabus, is a great resource for students in Singapore, offering personalised support. It adapts to individual learning styles, ensuring a better understanding of math concepts.
Enjoy convenient access anytime and boost your confidence in math!
MathyAI is currently in beta testing, and may occassionally make mistakes.
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24/7 Help
MathyAI works 24/7, 365 days a year, even on public holidays to clear your doubts!
No Answers, Learn First
MathyAI never gives answers straightaway, but probes and gives learning points for students to learn better!
Easy Explanations
MathyAI explains difficult terms simply and concisely so that students will be able to understand easily.
MathyAI Features
Your 24/7 Hardworking and Encouraging Math Teacher
Understand Concepts Better
MathyAI can assist you in understanding math problems with step-by-step guidance. It simplifies complex mathematical concepts, making learning easier and more enjoyable.
Solve Questions Step by Step
Engage in interactive learning sessions with MathyAI to enhance your math skills. Whether you need help with homework or wish to explore challenging questions, MathyAI provides personalised assistance to meet your learning needs.
Generate Math Questions
MathyAI generates practice questions for various skill levels. Challenge yourself with progressively difficult questions or seek explanations for any questions you get stuck at. MathyAI is your ultimate math companion.
A 24/7 encouraging teacher
Experience efficient and effective learning with MathyAI as your dedicated encouraging learning partner. Improve your math proficiency, tackle challenging problems, and boost your confidence in mathematical concepts.